Friday, March 21, 2008

Today -- Governor Richardson Endorses Obama

Governor Bill Richardson of New Mexico has endorsed Barack Obama for President.

Richardson's remarks in part are, "Today I am endorsing Senator Barack Obama for President of the United States because I believe he is the kind of once-in-a-lifetime leader that can bring our nation together and restore America’s moral leadership in the world. As a Presidential candidate, I know full well Senator Obama's unique ability to inspire the American people to confront our urgent challenges at home and abroad in a spirit of bipartisanship and reconciliation.”

Richardson is our nation's only Hispanic governor and served as both Secretary of the Department of Energy and Ambassador to the United Nations under President Bill Clinton. Richardson's extensive experience and record of accomplishment in foreign affairs has earned him five nominations for the Nobel Prize.

Major news reactions include the following stories:

Baltimore Sun: "Bill Richardson joins Obama for endorsement"

CNN: "Richardson Endorses Obama ... "He brings out the best in us".

New York Times: "Is Obama a Plan B for Richardson voters?".

Meanwhile, the Wall Street Journal reports that a key Clinton Campaign aide has dismissed the endorsement, calling it "insignificant."

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