Thursday, March 6, 2008

Ohio Needs More Information

Kevin Merida writes "In Rural Ohio, It's No Country for Democrats". It's yesterday's story in the Washington Post but it's also a 2000, 2002 and 2004 story because of the continuing theme that all too often rural voters vote against their own needs and values simply because they lack information.

In the Post's story, elected county engineer for Darke County (Greenfield, OH) James Surber asks, "I have always said that the three most baffling questions you could ponder forever are: What's the meaning and purpose of life? Why is Bruce Willis a star? And why do farmers vote Republican?"

At My Rural America, we have to admit that Surber's Bruce Willis question is completely above our pay grade, but as to why farmers voter Republican, we are still pondering. Overall, the simple answer to his question is that the news isn't getting to farmers.

For example, a test of rural policy issues recently debated shows:
  • 2008 -- President Bush is still wielding his "veto" club over the Farm Bill.
  • 2007 -- Despite the fact that a few Republicans joined the new Democratic Majority to pass disaster assistance for drought stricken farmers, and despite the fact that the President signed the bill into law, some farmers who were stricken by drought in 2005 still are not paid. Why? It's USDA's job, but it's the President who ultimately is responsible to be sure USDA carries out the law.
  • 2007 -- Health Insurance for Children. Sure ... the Senate voted overwhelmingly to support SCHIP but rural Republicans in the House are still dragging their feet about over-riding President Bush's veto. Meanwhile, it is rural children who are most likely to benefit from the bill's passage.
  • 2006 -- The Republican Majority in the House voted overwhelmingly to cut back veterans' benefits.
  • 2006 -- Two Republican Members joined House Dems on the Appropriations Committee to save the American food aid requirement for international food aid to Sudan. It stopped the President's Budget request to allow purchase of the food from other places. Where would the President have purchased the food ... maybe from France? or maybe from the Middle East?
  • 2003 -06 -- Republican Majority, following the President's Budget Request, overwhelmingly vote to cut back veterans' benefits in a time for war.
There is more but even at this quick glance, it's clear that Ohio farmers need more information, so here's our request:

Dear Reader: Please forward this story to a friend in Ohio. The election is coming and Ohio's rural voters need to get started preparing themselves for the general election.

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