Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Doing Something Beats Doing Nothing When It Comes to Health Care

Steven Pearlstein's column "Imperfect Health Reform Still Beats the Status Quo" in the 7/22/09 issue of the Washington Post.

Our favorite line is:
"So the next time you hear someone throwing a hissy fit because health reform might raise taxes on some people, or steer people into managed care, or require small businesses to contribute $2 a day for each employee's coverage, just remember to ask yourself: And that's compared with what?"
Compared to what? e.g., compared to Canada -- every now and then you may hear someone using their most frightening voice to say, "In Canada, you have to wait to see a doctor!"

Well, we have to wait to see a doctor here. The difference isn't in the waiting time, but rather, when we wait, we pay more money than the Canadians do when they wait. There are lots more "compared to what" questions, but it will be important to make sure that while some are out there looking for utopia -- the land of perfect health care, the rest of us need to make sure that health reform actually gets started.

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