Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Obama Prioritizes Energy, Health Care and Education

Energy, Health Care and Education. These are the priorities President Obama laid out for us tonight. He also was realistic ... promising a tight budget which will halve the deficit within 10 years. Considering our last President left us with a trillion dollar deficit after he had inherited from Clinton a surplus, that's pretty good.

Please read the speech for yourself: Obama's Speech on the Economy.

You might also want to read "The Obama Code" by George Lakoff. In it, Lakoff points out how President Obama's speeches consistently emphasize his vision of America, sharing a moral vision and a view of unity for our country. A number of the blogs have the full piece published on their website. One of them is fivethirtyeight.com : George Lakoff on the Obama Code. Once you're read the President's speech, Lakoff's writing is a good place to add more analysis.

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