Thursday, June 12, 2008

What to do? $4 ... or $5 ... Gas to Fill the Tank.

Today -- June 12th, Senator Ken Salazar (D-CO) discussed the difficulties families are facing as they confront skyrocketing gas prices. He also thoughtfully reminds us why our country can't just drill its way out of this problem. Rather, it will take investment in renewable energy and serious new regulation to prevent the oil companies and their pals from driving up the price of oil by buying back their own stock and allowing speculators to further push the prices up. Right now, 36% -- yes, more than 1/3 of the price at the gasoline pump -- is due to speculators.

Equally important, Salazar brings real insight to the "why?" ... all about speculators as well as what Congress is working to do to solve the problem. This one is a podcast. Find it here or if you'd rather listen to it on the phone, dial
1-800-511-0763 actuality No. 2698.

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