Thursday, January 31, 2008

Maybe George Bush Doesn't Eat?

Now that there has been a bit of time since SOTU, have you noticed what was missing?

Think now. After all, why are we here? .... and now that your thinking cap is on, we'll bet you remember R U R A L.

Not one word did George Bush have to say about rural, Farm Bill, rural development, school lunch, food safety, agriculture or the Bill's many other related subjects on Monday night. We might remember that rural Americans gave George Bush a +19 vote margin over John Kerry in 2004. But we guess he just forgot ... just forgot all 55 to 60 million of us.

Read what some Farm State members had to say at "Bush Silence on Farm Bill Draws Fire," on Politico. Our favorites:
  • "To stymie a Farm Bill has real consequences ... The Farm Bill is our (economic) stimulus," reminded Representative Earl Pomeroy (ND).
  • "The Farm Bill is the single most important legislation for rural communities," Senator Tom Harkin (IA).
Succinctly, Tom Buis, President of the National Farmers Union said, "I was appalled."

At My Rural America, we are appalled, too. Maybe George Bush doesn't eat?

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