Tuesday, July 17, 2007

TIME TO SAY STOP!! Too Many Rural Americans Are Paying the Ultimate Sacrifice

Today -- Tuesday, July 17th, we ask you to join in saying "enough is enough." It is time for a new strategy ... time to say to the President STOP OBSTRUCTING an end to the Iraq war.

If you live in the Washington, DC region, we urge you to join us in a candlelight vigil.

Tuesday, July 17th
8:30 PM

Upper Senate Park, Constitution and Delaware, NW

(Across from the U.S. Capitol and next to the Russell Senate Office Building)

Or if you live outside the Washington area, we urge you to dial the phone -- call your Republican Senator and tell him or her "enough is enough" ... it is time to change directions in Iraq. It is time to tell the President to stop now.

General Senate #: 202-224-2131

Tell them rural Americans have already paid too high a price, with rural soldiers dying in Iraq and Afghanistan at a 60% higher rate than urban soldiers.

Why? According to the Carsey Institute's analysis of U.S. Department of Defense data, this higher rural death rate reflects the fact that rural areas have higher rates of military recruitment, and a lack of good rural employment and educational opportunities.

Vermont has the highest death rate in the country.

Tragic ... to say the least. You can find out about your state's soldiers, and more about how we are losing our rural soldiers at the following website: http://www.carseyinstitute.unh.edu/documents/RuralDead_fact_revised.pdf

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